Monday, July 30, 2007

Friends past

What becomes of friends past? In this case, a painful sudden death in a motorcycle accident.

As always, survivor's guilt comes to the fore and the regrets about not keeping in better touch or missing one another on a trip out west.

But mostly, what I miss are his hands and his big bear hugs. It's amazing what that sense memory produces when a tragedy happens of this nature. I don't smell the barn, or hear the Charlie Daniels Band playing, but I can feel that hug and big handshake.

Strange days.

Friday, July 13, 2007

On Dog-walking and whispering

This morning, I made the terrible decision to ignore the fact that I was wide awake and let the hubby walk the dog. It was a gorgeous morning, 65 degrees and a bit cloudy. How, you can ask, could I spurn my wonderful jog and walk with the cute little dog on a morning like this. I usually don't experience this regret when I don't exercise in the morning.

There's a first for everything.

So I implore you: make me wake up if you hear me turn back over and ignoring the call to walk the dog.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


So, I've tried this before.

It didn't work the first time, so I don't know why I would do it again. Maybe I'd just like a place to amplify all of the other nonsense that I read and take in every day. So, I will get to that in a moment. Anyone interested?